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Maintenance methods and skills of automation equipment

Time:2022-04-23 11:00:46 Source:本站 Click:0

Maintenance of automation equipment

The maintenance of non-standard automation equipment helps to prolong the service life of non-standard equipment and make the equipment more accurate. Let's take a look at the maintenance requirements of non-standard automation equipment

First, when installing, disassembling and adjusting the rotating mechanism of the machine, pay attention to ensure that the center line of the non-standard automation equipment is parallel to the center line of the gear for the first time, and it should be aligned at a suitable angle, so as to effectively ensure that the machine is well done in operation.

Second, our equipment should always check the maintenance and connection of all parts. If it is loose, it should be tightened. The tightness of the connecting bolts of the machine body shall be checked when the machine body is under pressure. All connecting shafts must have cotter pins and be fully opened. Slowly stabilize the main parts.

Third, always replace the easily worn parts. If there is a fault, we need to eliminate the fault before continuing to operate. The motor bearing lubrication should be good. Always check all wires and cables for damage. Timely bandage and replace the damaged part. Effectively extend machine maintenance.

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